In his interview with Benedict Brogan, the Archbishop of
Canterbury suggests the need for a presidential figure to take charge of the
day-to-day affairs of the so-called Anglican Communion.
Let us leave aside, for the moment, the question of what
those day-to-day duties might be, and whether they need to be done. Let us
leave aside the practical implausibility of getting so-called Anglicans to
agree on the person, or the duties. Let us leave aside the dubious distinction
Dr Williams makes between “executive” and “spiritual” authority: a distinction
which suggests he is not very familiar with the office and work of a bishop.
Let us leave even aside our doubts whether the Church of England is now a member of the so-called Anglican Communion at all.
Let us instead ask ourselves what is in the Archbishop’s mind, and what it is
that he has forgotten.
We must consider –
but only for a moment – the possibility that this is a practical suggestion for
achieving agreement and unity between the churches of the so-called Anglican Communion.
Now we know that Dr Williams is more able than most to see past present
difficulties to the inner reality of the kingdom, but even for him this is
wildly optimistic, and he must know it. We would not dare to have suggested such a plan here for fear of being
thought fantastical.
More likely, and
equally characteristic, is that Dr Williams wishes for kindness’ sake to
excuse his successor from the burdens of so-called-Anglican-Communion duties.
That would certainly be a charitable and beneficial act.
It also seems likely
that the proposal for a presidential figure has been tailor-made by Dr Williams
as a consolation prize for an unsuccessful aspirant to be his successor.
Probably no bishop is better placed for this new role than Dr Sentamu; and it
would make sense of recent events.
Of course, we cannot
ignore the possibility that as he comes to the end of his period in office Dr
Williams has simply re-discovered a sense of whimsy. We
certainly wish him – in case there was any doubt – a renewal of joy in his
semi-retirement, and a re-discovery of Anglo-Catholicism and reaction, too.
We certainly hope
that this proposal is merely whimsical. Of course, it will not affect us personally. Taking
our cue from Dr Pusey, we maintain that Canterbury has nothing to do with
Jerusalem. And as he was eventually vindicated on that subject, so we will be
vindicated. (It is a measure of our decline, though, that an Anglo-Lutheran
bishop seems a remarkably tame, even conservative proposal now.)
However, for those
of you interested in the so-called Anglican Communion, I will show you a more
excellent way. The Archbishop of Canterbury seems to have forgotten that the Church of
England already has institutions of leadership apart from its bishops. (Thank
God, some might say.)
No, we are not
talking about WATCH, but about that altogether more feminine institution, the
Royal Supremacy.
In a secular age there certainly disadvantages to the Royal Supremacy: indeed,
we have been more displeased than otherwise by its exercise over the last few
centuries. But it may be the last hope of the so-called Anglican Communion. If a presidential figure is required to excite the loyalty of
the bishops and to ensure that they will sit down together with respect, there
can be no better candidate than the present Supreme Governor.
Her Majesty shares,
we suspect, the religious and social opinions of the Archbishop of York. She
will, no doubt, be thus acceptable to the average global so-called Anglican.
But she is far more used than Dr Sentamu to this kind of work: the endless
round of diplomacy, pushing no agenda of her own but to be the focus of
unity. (Now where have we heard that phrase before?) And of course she is a
better evangelist for the Faith than most of the bishops.
Some will object
that she no longer appoints the colonial bishops, nor do they swear any
allegiance to her. (Dr Pusey opposed that development, too, of course.) But her Majesty has
coped with independence, and even republicanism, in her former colonies. She has relinquished any effective intervention overseas (an example the bishops seem unlikely to follow) and yet they still look to her as the head
of a great international organisation.
If she can still be
Head of the Commonwealth, why not also President of the Anglican Communion? We
will not even insist on the words “so-called” being in the official title.
Williams will do well to insist that the new office under discussion should be confined to the
Protestant descendants of the Electress Sophia. Then at the next Lambeth Conference we look forward to Archbishop Jensen and Archbishop Akinola lustily singing that traditional Anglican anthem: Salve Regina!
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