Monday, 2 July 2012

Over the Water

We never expect much good news at Plumstead Rectory, but we can't see any downside to this. The country has, in the Great Doctor's words, been fairly polled, and the hereditary right of the sacred monarch is acclaimed by the people. Not only that, but the sovereign power has been used, not as it more usually is to oppress and destroy, but for the protection of the weakest. And in this the people have also heartily concurred. D.G.

Sadly none of this has occurred in the life of our own dear constitution, but in a far-away land of which we know little. Nonetheless, rejoicing with them, we find the Principality of Liechenstein to be more and more to our liking. Others may wish the United Kingdom to become more like the United States of America, Scandinavia, or Singapore, but the reactionary choice must now be clear.

In its own internal arrangements, as in its relations with its neighbours, and now in the renewed justice of its laws, Liechenstein has much to teach us. Its royal house has proved itself willing and able to turn back the tide of the world, and should be a model to the crowned and uncrowned heads of Europe. 

Readers in the know will be most excited, of course, by the Hereditary Princess Sophia and her son. But her husband, the present Hereditary Prince and Regent, Prince Alois, has proved himself that rare thing in our age, a godly ruler. The unborn billions will be praising him; we will not forget to join them. 

And since he has shown his quality in great matters, he should also be entrusted with lesser ones. His Serene Highness is, as it happens, a professional accountant, with experience as an auditor in the City of London. He is evidently a prince of courage and virtue, and no respecter of persons. If an enquiry into banking is still required (and it surely is) he is clearly the man. And then the choice of the next Governor of the Bank of England should also be obvious - if the Prime Minister is reading this, as he surely is by now. It should, of course, be renamed the Sword Blade, in remembrance not least of this prince whose sword has indeed done justice.

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